South Kipper

South Kipper is a 1,006ha (2,485 acres) cattle grazing property located near Esk, in the Somerset Regional Council area. The property has approx. 730ha of eligible offset area for Koala, Greater Glider and Grey Headed Flying Fox with the property linking existing Koala Priority Area and providing a corridor to surrounding habitat and biodiversity area.


This property is suited to Environmental Offsets under the Federal Government EPBC Act, and we currently three Offsets (making up approx. 300ha of land) that are currently being assessed by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

Why offset with us?

We are not your ordinary offset provider.

What sets us apart from others is that we take full responsibility for the growth of the trees, not the offset proponent.


All liability and potential risks associated with getting the offset trees to reach non-juvenile stage is placed squarely on us, saving proponents time and money whilst reducing risk.