Koala Farmland Fund

Koala Farmland Fund 1 (KFF1) is an unlisted managed investment fund that purchases farmland within South-East QLD (SEQ)to develop additional environmental income streams. The main target is koala biodiversity offsets which are combined with agricultural revenue, farmhouse rental, and farmland capital growth to provide double-digit returns.

KFF1 capitalizes on a classic increasing demand, diminishing supply scenario. SEQ’s urban sprawl continues at a nation leading pace requiring new housing, road and infrastructure. Land is cleared and habitat is destroyed in the process which threatens many species survival, particularly koala. Government regulations are complex, but habitat destruction must be mitigated or replaced (offset) elsewhere to a higher multiple. Local Communities also have higher expectations to protect nature. The problem is that available land for offsets is rapidly diminishing.

KFF1 has so far purchased 2 properties within 150klms of Brisbane to grow trees to sell as offsets to developers. Theses farms will be upscaled or improved and ultimately sold as lifestyle blocks.

KFF1 offers investors:

  • Forecast double digit returns
  • Forecast 10%p.a cash distributions from year 3
  • Downside risk protection and potential value upside of farmland close to a capital city
  • A diversified alternative investment in real property, uncorrelated to financial markets
  • An opportunity to contribute to save koalas and the environment.

For more information, see link below.



koala habitat