About Upscale Funds Management

We want to make agriculture more investable.

We want to incorporate more environmentally friendly and climate resilient income streams into traditional agriculture.


We are a fund manager. Our vision is investable green farmland funds. We seek to generate strong returns for investors as well as lead environmental, social, and governance (ESG) change in traditional agriculture.


Australian farmers are up against it when it comes to volatile weather and commodity price cycles. But there is enormous potential to change our practices and inject capital to improve the land, the environment, and ultimately the investor returns.

Upscale Funds Management, or UFM as we call it, simply adds incremental income streams to traditional farming. We raise investor funds to purchase farmland that has potential to increase in value through projects such as carbon farming, biodiversity offsets, hosting renewables, or regenerative (working with nature) farming practices.

Koala habitat

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                                           Upscale Funds Management Pty Ltd (ABN 87 628 475 123, AFS Representative No. 001300807), is a Corporate                                                                     Authorised Representative of Upscale Capital (ABN 97 655 742 635, AFSL 550389).